'Onipa'a Shawl

'ONIPA'A SHAWL by Leila Raven is part of the MANA WĀHINE collection, six knitwear designs inspired by Aotearoa and Hawai’i - the inaugural series from the AROHA | ALOHA project highlighting the works of modern indigenous makers.

From the designer... “E ‘onipa’a i ka ‘imi na’auao.” “Be steadfast in the seeking of knowledge” — the motto of Hawai’i’s last reigning monarch, beloved Queen Liliu’okalani. The color of this shawl echoes her most favor- ite flower: the crown flower, giant milkweed. Rendered in motifs are the ‘iwa bird and ‘ōhi’a lehua blossoms, native to my homeland, my kin—cut from the same cloth. ‘Onipa’a: Stand firm, resolute; be true to yourself.


2 skeins GRACE
2 skeins HALO

Both shown in 'Brume'

Grace and Halo are held together throughout.


Pattern is available for purchase and download from Ravelry HERE.